Friday, August 31, 2007

Donot blame women for being Shopaholics

Shopping is in Women's Genes.

And yes it seems to be true. Research by scientists at University Of California has proved that shopping is in the genotype of Women. Scientists say that the reason herein lies in evolution.From centuries women have always been the better in finding the best fruits and vegetables and ofcourse searching for the best bargains. So the better the shopper the more the shopaholic. The study has also proved that women are much better than men in mapping positions of stalls of utmost quality and economy, the study has also proved that womens memories were not influenced by the taste of the food but rather with the calorie count of the food, women tend to find higher calorie food faster.This has been again linked to evolution because ancestral women had to remember locations of foods that provided more energy.

And so obviously when every women is better in every department of shopping than men, they will obviously be Shopaholics.

Warning to all men

An aftereffect of this study would be hazardous to men. I will tell you why.

The next time whenever a husband shouts on his wife for excessive shopping, he could be arrested on the grounds of torture by the police becuase she cannot do anything about it when it is in her genes.

Xenotransplantation from one of the dirtiest animals alive on earth. Dirty?

Okay, Here is my first post of this Blog

Has anyone heard of a Life Science company called LCT?
LCT stands for "Living Cell Technologies" and the work they do is absolutely amazing.This company is situated in Australia and works in the highly controversial field of "Xenotransaplantation". Amazing isn't it!!!
They have found a very unique way of treating "Diabetes". They have done this by transplanting islet cells of a very unique herd of pigs into patients . In this treatment once the islet cells are injected into the patients body they start producing Insulin. Clinical trials have begun on patients and their dependence on external insulin has reduced drastically.
The most amzing fact is that these unique pigs are found almost 500 km away from New Zealand in very inhospitable conditions, but they have come to use.In the 19th. century these pigs were left as food by the sealers and whalers for shipwrecked sailors. But fortunately most of the herd is still untouched, no human contact, virtually pathogen free for almost 200 years and they are coming into use now.
So all pigs on this earth are not as we all thought. Amazing Story!!!
Thanks. Looking forward for your comments.
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