Saturday, September 1, 2007

All the fuss about "Bechara" Glivec!!!

It happens only in India. Isnt it?

The fuss about Glivec is a hot topic at my-biopedia.

There was a petition given by the Association of Cancer Patients in India against the rights given by the Indian patent office to Novartis to have exclusive sales right of their drug Glivec(Imanitib) in India.

The reason for this petition was that Glivec's exclusive sales right to Novartis would disallow the sale of all the other cheaper generic drugs that are already existing. As a matter of fact a months dosage of Glivec would cost a minimum of Rs.1,20,000/patient whereas the generic drugs already being sold in the market come at a much cheaper price. This would prevent patients from having cheap cancer medication and this according to the Association is totally unfair. The petition is still in study. Till then let us wait and watch.

This is a common problem which arises in India everythime a drug enters Indian Pharma Market. Please tell what would you do if you were the judge hearing this case.

Looking forward for your comments

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